Xiang S. Yin (1) and Bryan Baxter (2). 1. Boortmalt, Minnetonka, MN, USA. 2. Boston Beer Company, Boston, MA, USA
As growing conditions and harvest weather fluctuate, key malt quality parameters, such as protein content, kernel plumpness, microflora levels, and gelatinization temperature, can be significantly affected. This was particularly evident during the 2021 crop year in North America, which saw thin barley kernels and elevated protein levels. This article examines the variations in crop quality and analytical data, including gelatinization profiles by variety and fungal loads at harvest, to recommend strategies for mitigating these challenges. The strategies focus on several critical areas: barley treatment during malting, monitoring degrees of modification, and conducting timely qualification brews with new varieties to assess malt performance and sensory impact. Additionally, preapproving new barley varieties to take advantage of a broader selection range and maintaining flexibility with certain analytics in the malt certificate of analysis (COA) are key strategies to achieve required brewing specifications while prioritizing the most critical parameters. The article also demonstrates the benefits of optimizing necessary brewhouse parameters, such as adjusting mill settings, refining temperature controls, and using kettle finings effectively, to maintain high-quality brewing outcomes.